The safeguards MOX python (SMOPY) device combines gross neutron
counting with low resolution γ spectroscopy to characterize any
kind of spent fuel. The SMOPY uses online interpretation tools for
the evaluation of measurement data. The system contains a well
shielded and collimated CdZnTe γ detector and a fission chamber.
The device is placed over the storage hole of the spent fuel
assembly. The assembly is lifted through the open measurement
cavity, and either it can be scanned or selected parts can be
measured. The SMOPY device can verify and distinguish irradiated
MOX fuel from low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel and can confirm the
burnup of a spent fuel assembly.
The SMOPY device can also be operated in active mode using an
AmLi source. This has been successfully demonstrated for underwater
verification of canisters containing residues of irradiated HEU.
This application is based on total neutron counting and detects the
difference between induced fission and the active background.

(Source: IAEA Safeguards Techniques and Equipment)