The FDET measuring system includes the detector head, a several
metre long extension pipe, a miniature gamma ray and neutron
detector (MiniGRAND) electronics unit and a portable computer.
Separate detector heads are used to measure boiling water reactor
(BWR) and pressurized water reactor (PWR) type fuels. The detector
head incorporates γ ray insensitive neutron detectors (four gas
filled fission chamber proportional counters) and γ ray detectors
suitable for measuring extremely high γ ray intensities (two gas
filled ionization chambers). The neutron and γ ray signatures
measured by the detectors are used to verify the highly radioactive
spent fuel assemblies stored under water in spent fuel ponds. The
FDET is usually installed on the guard rail of the spent fuel pond
bridge or near the pond edge. To perform a measurement, the
irradiated fuel assembly is lifted by the operator's crane and
moved into position between the tines of the fork detector.
Interactive software guides the user through the measurement
procedure and simultaneously collects neutron and γ ray data. The
software can also support unattended measurements.
The ratio of the neutron to γ ray data, when combined with
other, complementary information, is used to characterize a
particular type of fuel assembly, giving information related to its
neutron exposure in the reactor, its initial fissile fuel content
and its irradiation history (e.g. the number of cycles for which
the assembly was in the reactor). Passive γ emission tomography,
currently being tested with the help of several MSSPs, is projected
to be able to detect defects at the pin level.

(Source: IAEA Safeguards Techniques and Equipment)