The DN system was integrated with the DDA to make use of greater
sensitivity of delayed neutron count rate to U-235
concentration. Delayed neutrons are emitted by very short
lived fission products. Delayed neutrons emission and
detection lacks the coincident neutrons which are simultaneously
emitted and detected for prompt fission neutrons. Thus,
delayed neutrons are counted by the detection system as single
neutron events minus any background. U-235 fission emits
approximately 2.6 times as many delayed neutrons as Pu-239, so the
signal is more dependent on the U-235 concentration. The DN
system works by repeatedly pulsing with a neutron source and
counting a spent fuel assembly to produce a steady emission rate of
delayed neutrons. The amount of delayed neutrons emitted is
proportional to the amount of fissile material in the spent
fuel. Due to the shared need for a strong neutron source, DN
was integrated with DDA from the beginning of design. The two
He-3 tubes without a surrounding Cd liner in DDA system of Figure
25 are used for delayed neutron counting. Given the greater
dependence of the DN signal on U-235, the combined DN and DDA
system may be able to resolve individual quantities for U-235 and
Source: P. Blanc, H.O. Menlove, S.J. Tobin, S. Croft, A.
Favalli, "An Integrated Delayed-neutron Differential-Die-away
Instrument to Quantify Plutonium in Spent Nuclear
Fuel," Journal of Nuclear Materials Management
40:3 (2012).