Rendering harmless the Kalahari test shafts in South Africa. Following South Africa's signature of the NPT in 1991, the IAEA General Conference requested the Director General to verify the completeness of the inventory of nuclear installations and material included in South Africa's initial report to the IAEA. A large number of measurements were made of various types of nuclear material. The IAEA concluded that the declared inventory of nuclear installations and material were complete.
Under an INFCIRC-153-type* safeguards agreement, an
official statement by the State on all nuclear material subject to
safeguards, which is to be provided to the IAEA within 30 days of
the last day of the calendar month in which the agreement enters
into force. From the initial report, the IAEA establishes a unified
inventory of all nuclear material (irrespective of its origin) for
the State and maintains this inventory on the basis of subsequent
reports and its verification activities. Under an INFCIRC/66-type safeguards agreement, the
first routine report is considered equivalent to an initial