Comprehensive Inspection Exercise of IAEA Safeguard inspectors at Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant in Levice, Slovakia.
Dean Calma/IAEA)
The practice of nuclear material accounting as implemented by
the facility operator and the State system of accounting for and
control of nuclear material (SSAC) to satisfy the requirements in
the safeguards agreement between the IAEA and the State (or group
of States); and as implemented by the IAEA to independently verify
the correctness of the nuclear material accounting information in
the facility records and the reports provided by the SSAC to the
IAEA. Nuclear material accountancy may include the following:
Facility Level
- Dividing operations involving nuclear material into material
balance areas (MBAs)
- Maintaining records on the quantities of nuclear material held
within each MBA
- Measuring and recording all transfers of nuclear material from
one MBA to another or changes in the amount of nuclear material
within MBAs due to, for example, nuclear production or nuclear
- Determining periodically the quantities of nuclear material
present within each MBA through the taking of the physical
- Closing the material balance over the period between two
successive physical inventory takings and computing the material
unaccounted for (MUF) for that period
- Providing for a measurement control program to determine the
accuracy of calibrations and measurements and the correctness of
recorded source data and batch data
- Testing the computed MUF against its limits of error for
indications of any unrecorded nuclear loss or accidental gain
- Analyzing the accounting information to determine the cause and
magnitude of mistakes in recording unmeasured losses, accidental
losses and unmeasured inventory (hold-up)
State Authority Level
- Preparing and submitting nuclear material accounting reports to
the IAEA, as appropriate
- Ensuring that nuclear material accounting procedures and
arrangements are adhered to
- Providing for IAEA inspector access and co-ordination
arrangements, as necessary, to enable the IAEA to carry out its
verification activities
- Verifying facility operators' nuclear material accountancy
performance, as provided for in the SSAC regulations.
IAEA Level
- Independently verifying nuclear material accounting information
in facility records and State reports, and conducting activities as
provided for in the safeguards agreement
- Determining the effectiveness of the SSAC
- Providing statements to the State on the IAEA's verification