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Nuclear Safeguards Education Portal

Containment/surveillance results (C/S results)

The evaluation of the information provided by a C/S system. An 'acceptable' C/S result is obtained when the C/S device has functioned as specified, its data confirm the validity of the operator's declarations and there is no evidence of tampering. Where a dual C/S system is used, an acceptable C/S result is obtained when both C/S devices function as specified, their data confirm the validity of the operator's declarations and there is no evidence of tampering. A C/S system may give a 'not acceptable' result caused, for example, by a broken seal or interruption in facility lighting. Such a case requires that follow-up actions be implemented as established in the applicable IAEA safeguards approach. 'Inconclusive' C/S results may be caused by a normal operational activity that has been declared to the IAEA in advance by the operator.