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Nuclear Safeguards Education Portal

Improvised Nuclear Device (IND)

Also called an Improvised Nuclear Explosive Device (INED).

Improvised nuclear devices or (INDs) are theoretical illicit nuclear weapons bought, stolen, or otherwise originating from a nuclear state, or a weapon fabricated by a terrorist group from illegally obtained fissile nuclear weapons material that produces a nuclear explosion. An IND would be built from the components of a stolen weapon or from scratch using nuclear material (plutonium or highly enriched uranium). It would produce same physical and medical effects as nuclear weapon. A successful detonation would result in catastrophic loss of life, destruction of infrastructure, and nuclear contamination of a very large area. (Wikipedia)


Department of Homeland Security definition:

An improvised nuclear device (IND) is a device built from components of a stolen weapon or from scratch using nuclear material that could produce nuclear explosions.


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